Jacob Kaplan-Moss

Videos by Jacob Kaplan-Moss

DjangoCon US 2015 - Minimum Viable Security by Jacob Kaplan-Moss

DjangoCon US 2015 - Minimum Viable Security by Jacob Kaplan-Moss

Minimum Viable Security We'll look at creating a full security program for a startup-sized company, one that can start quite …

DjangoCon US 2015

If We Had $1,000,000: What Could The DSF Do With 4x Its Budget? with Jacob Kaplan-Moss

If We Had $1,000,000: What Could The DSF Do With 4x Its Budget? with Jacob Kaplan-Moss

This talk comes to you in three parts: Part 1: the DSF's budget. That (roughly) $250k annual budget: where does …

DjangoCon US 2024