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Marco Alabruzzo Full Text search in Django – DjangoDay 2020

Full-Text Search is an old problem. There are many solutions: the classic SQL LIKE statement, external search index, 3rd party …

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Iulia Avram The 101 guide to deploying Django – Django Day Copenhagen 2020

What are some good practices? Can I make a checklist to help me through the process? Which web integration interface …

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Chris Adams Greening Django – Django Day Copenhagen 2020

We’re in a climate emergency, and as the world goes digital, we run the risk from going from software eating …

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Andrew Graham Yooll Realizing Relé – Django Day Copenhagen 2020

At my workplace, our system architecture has evolved rapidly to fit our product needs. One of those needs was the …

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Anders Hovmöller: Introducing iommi your first pick for a django power cord – Django Day Cph 2020

iommi is a high level framework to radically accelerate building django apps. Write reusable pages and CRUD views way faster …

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Juha Matti Santala Contemporary Documentation – Django Day Copenhagen 2020

Teams change often. People leave and people join. In addition to those changes, we tend to forget what we were …

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Klaus Laube API First Design and Django – Django Day Copenhagen 2020

Let's mess around with contracts, {over,under}fetching and Developer eXperience when creating APIs. When creating an API endpoint in Django, some …

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Luke Plant Evolution of a Viewpoint – Django Day Copenhagen 2020

What happens to your code when requirements change? This is one of the biggest challenges in software development, and there …

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Nynne Just Christoffersen: The story of how the MVC Pattern Was Developed – Django Day Copenhagen

We all know and love the MVC pattern. But why is it so great? Did you ever work with a …

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