Wagtail Space NL 2024 Videos

Paul Stevens - Multi-lingual websites in Wagtail

Paul Stevens - Multi-lingual websites in Wagtail

Rémy Sanchez - You've been caching your content website wrong

Rémy Sanchez - You've been caching your content website wrong

Rémy Sanchez - Headless Wagtail Strategies

Rémy Sanchez - Headless Wagtail Strategies

Simon Blanchard and Joost Meijerink - Wagging HubSpot's Tail

Simon Blanchard and Joost Meijerink - Wagging HubSpot's Tail

Sage Abdullah - Universal Listings

Sage Abdullah - Universal Listings

Storm Heg - Bringing modern authentication to Wagtail: WebAuthn and Passkeys

Storm Heg - Bringing modern authentication to Wagtail: WebAuthn and Passkeys

Matthew Westcott - The impossible art of making everyone happy

Matthew Westcott - The impossible art of making everyone happy

Judith van Leersum and Emmelien Schiet - Wagtail Dashboards

Judith van Leersum and Emmelien Schiet - Wagtail Dashboards

Jake Howard - Wagtail and Caching

Jake Howard - Wagtail and Caching

Jake Howard - Recovering deleted Django models

Jake Howard - Recovering deleted Django models

Dan BraghiÈ™ - Wagtail AI and Wagtail Vector Index

Dan BraghiÈ™ - Wagtail AI and Wagtail Vector Index

Coen van der Kamp - Wagtail Translate

Coen van der Kamp - Wagtail Translate

Alex Tomkins - Faster Thumbnails for a Faster Web

Alex Tomkins - Faster Thumbnails for a Faster Web

Rémy Sanchez - How to abuse Wagtail's StreamFields as much as you want

Rémy Sanchez - How to abuse Wagtail's StreamFields as much as you want

Tom Dyson - The State of Wagtail

Tom Dyson - The State of Wagtail

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