DjangoCon 2018 - Building real time applications with Django

This video features Iacopo Spalletti at DjangoCon Europe 2018 .

Published May 23, 2018

Since the introduction of Channels, real time web has become much easier to work with in Django: discover how you can easily create yours with Django!

Since the introduction of Channels, real time web has become much easier to work with in Django. It’s now possible to build real time applications with much less effort in managing the idiosyncrasies of the async programming and a lot of batteries are included. Starting with a brief introduction to Channels (targeting version 2.0), we will see how to build a real time application, both on the Django and the frontend side and how easy it’s to start experimenting with it. The talk has a very hands-on approach, to allow the attendees to experiment with the proposed solution and approach, and starting immediately building their own real time applications with Django.

Iacopo Spalletti

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