DjangoCon 2018 - Keynote: Writing Code? Pfft... Evolve it Instead!

We’re heading into a future of delivery drones, driverless cars and 3D-printed “hoverboards” …

With machines now able to perform many tasks better than humans, some people are going to be out of a job.

But not software developers, right?! Could a computer generate the code you currently write for a living?

In this talk, we’ll take a look at how technology is changing the work that people do, and think about the implications of that for our society. We'll then take a look at one of the many biologically inspired approaches to AI - Genetic Algorithms, and how they can be used to generate code given a description of the function that that code should perform, rather than having a software developer write it.

Spoiler - you’re probably not out of a job, yet…

Emma Gordon

Date Added: September 19, 2024

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