Out of Sight, Out of Mind: Survival tricks and tools for remote developers

This video features Alessio Bragadini at DjangoCon Europe 2018 .

Published May 25, 2018


What to do and what not to do in order to collaborate remotely on Django projects without losing your mind

Remote working and “smart working” is very much in fashion these days, but what does it entail for the daily routing of a distributed development team? We will talk about tools, the disputed use of email, Skype, Slack but more specifically about time management, what you can expect from yourself and from other members of the remote team. Is your company “remote-friendly” or rather “remote-first”? When it’s time to spend a few days in physical proximity with your colleagues? We will share some examples out of the experience of a distributed team actively working with Python and Django on a daily basis, and show how you can make it all work, if you work on it.

Alessio Bragadini

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