There’s more than one way to draw a map - Basil Dubyk, Alexander Gaevsky

This video features Alexander Gaevsky and Basil Dubyk at DjangoCon Europe 2020 .

Published September 30, 2020

DjangoCon Europe 2020 (Virtual) September 18, 2020 - 10h35 (GMT+1)

“There’s more than one way to draw a map - lessons learned after the Google Maps SDK became unaffordable” by Basil Dubyk, Alexander Gaevsky

The Google Maps SDK: well-known, powerful, and extremely popular - and after July 2018, suddenly unaffordable. We needed to find an alternative for Django geospatial projects. This is the story of our search and what we found, and the lessons that we’d like to share from the experience. The good news is: we returned with new knowledge from our wanderings, and were able to migrate our existing projects successfully.

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