DjangoCon 2020 | What You Need to Know About Your Documentation - Daniele Procida

Published October 14, 2020

DjangoCon Europe 2020 (Virtual) September 18-19, 2020 - Bonus Talk

"What You Need to Know About Your Documentation" by Daniele Procida

Over the past few years, the documentation system I developed has gained a great deal of traction (that article alone is consistently read well over 5000 times a month). It’s being used by companies for public and private documentation sets and in open-source software projects, and has helped improved the lives and work of numerous documentation creators and users. Whatever your documentation, and whatever state it’s in, one hour after you walk into this session you will be in possession of a basic plan to improve it, and enough understanding to begin carrying out that plan. Your document will be better as a result.


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