DjangoCon Europe 2023 | A Beginners Guide to Security Exploits in Action

A Beginners Guide to Security Exploits in Action by Ashley Mathew & Mario de la Ossa

It’s one thing to read the Django security page and follow the recommendations. It’s something completely different to actually understand why those recommendations exist.

The talk will cover 5 different security vulnerabilities (spending ~5 mins on each) that are baked into a fake MySpace clone: - HTML serialization: Why supporting custom HTML is cool, but also dangerous - The penalties of using a guessable SECRET_KEY: How one might use it to abuse sessions - The downfalls of stepping outside the ORM: How write a more complex query and accidentally make it vulnerable to SQL injection - Consider setting ALLOWED_HOSTS: Injecting custom hosts in password reset emails - No really, consider setting ALLOWED_HOSTS: Unsafe open redirects and the importance of url_has_allowed_host_and_scheme

Each step will introduce in detail how to exploit the vulnerability, followed by patching and validation.

Date Added: September 19, 2024

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