Day 1 Lightning Talks

This video features Alex Gomez Martin, Amiel Kollek, Can Bolukbas, Chris Cave Ayeland, Colm O'Connor, David Seddon, Kio Smallwood, Markus Holtermann, Nicholas Noe and Ronny Vedrilla at DjangoCon Europe 2023 in Edinburgh.

Published June 6, 2023

Lightning talks from DjangoCon Europe, 29th May 2023

Why Django is the web framework of choice for research software engineering by Chris Cave Ayeland

Salsa moves deconstructed - a finite state machine perspective An unusual perspective on understanding the underlying structure of salsa moves with finite state machines. by Can Bolukbas

PyCamp It's an event done in Spain in which 30 people rent a home in the woods and collaborate on projects decided on the first day. by Alex Gomez Martin

Write your own timeseries database for fun and profit How building something really difficult helps you learn and grow. by Kio Smallwood

Traceable migrations with reversion Django Reversion provides great traceability with version history on all objects, but it doesn't work for data migrations! See q quick fix for traceable migrations. by Amiel Kollek

Layered architectures in Django How do you stop your projects from tangling into spaghetti? Layers! by David Seddon

Django pony express How to save your day by using class-based emails in Django by Ronny Vedrilla

iNaturalist A quick overview of iNaturalist, a platform/mobile app that eveyone to record useful biodiversity data everywhere they go and learn more about nature. by Nicholas Noe

How to make writing docs less of a chore by Colm O'Connor

Pushing to survive by Markus Holtermann

Note: We understand that names change, people change, and bodies change. We respect each individual's journey and privacy. If you have any concerns about a video or need us to remove content, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will handle your request with care and promptly address any issues.

More videos by Alex Gomez Martin , Amiel Kollek , Can Bolukbas , Chris Cave Ayeland , Colm O'Connor , David Seddon , Kio Smallwood , Markus Holtermann , Nicholas Noe and Ronny Vedrilla

More videos from DjangoCon Europe