Day 2 Lightning Talks

This video features Antonis Kalipetis, Becky Smith, Cheuk Ting Ho, Eshwari Chandashkar, Kaisa Lepajoe, Lautaro Bringar, Oluwafemi Tairu, Paul Gilmartin, Rachel Willmer, Sage Abdullah and Sasha Romijin at DjangoCon Europe 2023 in Edinburgh.

Published June 7, 2023

Lightning talks from DjangoCon Europe, 30th May 2023

"But I'm not even a developer!" A speedrun through developer as an identity and what that means, if anything. by Sasha Romijin

Let's talk about sustainability Let's talk about the what, why, and how to be sustainable as developers. by Oluwafemi Tairu

Demystifying Django Unreaveling project detection requirements and deployment. How we can understand the structure of your project and create the config to deploy it at by Antonis Kalipetis

Fast API: zero to the moon Lessons I learnt running FastAPI in production. by Lautaro Bringar

An easter egg in Django's logo by Sage Abdullah

Django Trade Secrets Simple techniques newbies can use while bulding their django application: Managing settings, logging queries, SSH tunneling to QA databases, merge migrations. by Eshwari Chandashkar

Coding your health Clinical codes, OpenCodelists and the weird world of SNOMED-CT by Becky Smith

The Trigger-Notify Pattern in Django Via simple example, we introduce a django abstraction of Postgres' trigger-notify pattern as a replacement for signals + celery. by Paul Gilmartin

Why old tech matters and why young tech people should care by Rachel Willmer

Using the Flow State of burnout recovery Optimising for Flow (feeling "in the zone") helps recover from burnout better than the rest. by Kaisa Lepajoe

What is CRA? Cyber Resilience Act is a new European regulation that require a EC step on all stoftware. Would that affect the open source software that we use every day, like Django? let's find out!. by Cheuk Ting Ho

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More videos by Antonis Kalipetis , Becky Smith , Cheuk Ting Ho , Eshwari Chandashkar , Kaisa Lepajoe , Lautaro Bringar , Oluwafemi Tairu , Paul Gilmartin , Rachel Willmer , Sage Abdullah and Sasha Romijin

More videos from DjangoCon Europe