DjangoCon Europe 2023 | Keynote: DjangoGirls: It takes a Village

Keynote: DjangoGirls: It takes a Village by Aisha Bello

It takes a supportive and inclusive community to raise the next generation of developers. DjangoGirls is a an example of how a community can come together to provide guidance to underrepresente groups

In this keynote, we will explore the importance of community in supporting and empowering new developers. We will discuss the impact of DjangoGirls, the various Djangozgirsl initiatives such as the Podcasts and Events and also highlight the various ways in which the Django community has fostered a welcoming and inclusive environment for individuals of all backgrounds.

Finally, we will discuss the challenges that still exist in the tech industry and how the Django community can continue to support and advocate for diversity and inclusion. Through collaborative efforts and a commitment to building a stronger community, we can create a more equitable and accessible future for all developers.

Date Added: September 19, 2024

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