Jack Linke - Server-Side is Dead! Long Live Server-Side (+ HTMX)

Published October 20, 2021

With no 'standard' approach to front-end other than built-in templating and so many JS front-end frameworks and tools and options, it's easy to get thrown for a loop. HTMX lets us stick to what Django is good at - server-side stuff, mainly - without feeling like we're missing out on modern tools.

This talk was presented at: https://2021.djangocon.us/talks/server-side-is-dead-long-live-server/

LINKS: Follow Jack Linke 👇 On Twitter: https://twitter.com/JackDLinke On GitHub: https://github.com/jacklinke Website: https://www.jacklinke.com

Follow DjangCon US 👇 https://twitter.com/djangocon

Follow DEFNA 👇 https://twitter.com/defnado https://www.defna.org/

Video production by the speaker and DjangoCon US 2021 Volunteers.


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