Ramón Huidobro - Una serie de relatos de mentoring

This video features Ramón Huidobro at DjangoCon US 2021 in Online.

Published September 26, 2021

All 2021 talks have English and Spanish captions.

Ser mentor es una gran responsabilidad pero aporta el bienestar de una comunidad tech. En mi charla compartiré como mis experiencias se han convertido en una serie de consejos para ser un gran mentor.

This talk was presented at: https://2021.djangocon.us/talks/una-serie-de-relatos-de-mentoring/

LINKS: Follow Ramón Huidobro 👇 On Twitter: https://twitter.com/hola_soy_milk On GitHub: https://github.com/ramonh Website: https://ramonh.dev

Follow DjangCon US 👇 https://twitter.com/djangocon

Follow DEFNA 👇 https://twitter.com/defnado https://www.defna.org/

Video production by the speaker and DjangoCon US 2021 Volunteers.

Note: We understand that names change, people change, and bodies change. We respect each individual's journey and privacy. If you have any concerns about a video or need us to remove content, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will handle your request with care and promptly address any issues.

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