Run your tests against Django's main!
Published February 16, 2025
The year was 2018. I was studying computer science at the University of Indonesia. I learned Django as part of a web programming course. At the time, Django felt just like any other framework out there – it's part of the tech stack that you use.
A year later, I tried my luck with Django in Google Summer of Code. I took a deep dive into Django's codebase to implement the cross-database JSONField. The feature managed to make it in Django 3.1.
Fast forward to now, I've got a job in the UK to work on the Django-powered Wagtail CMS. Since then, I've had the opportunity to give talks at conferences in Europe and the US, including this one.
This is a story of how Django changed my life people's lives – and how you played a part in it.
In this talk, we'll go through:
How Django can be used to teach web programming Django's participation in Google Summer of Code The awesome Django community and what it means for us What we can do to make Django change the lives of even more people
This talk was presented at: https://2024.djangocon.us/talks/django-the-web-framework-that-changed-my-life/
LINKS: Follow Sage Abdullah 👇 On Mastodon: https://fosstodon.org/@laymonage On X: https://x.com/laymonage Website: https://laymonage.com
Follow DjangoCon US 👇 https://fosstodon.org/@djangocon https://x.com/djangocon
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Video production by Confreaks Follow Confreaks 👇 https://confreaks.com https://x.com/confreaks
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