Operations: The Missing Django Piece

This video features Micah Lyle at DjangoCon US 2024 in Durham, NC USA.

Published December 6, 2024

In this talk, I’m going to demonstrate a new perspective on how to structure Django codebases using something I call “Operations”, so that Django codebases can scale well with any amount of features or complexity inside an application as it grows over time.

This talk was presented at: https://2024.djangocon.us/talks/operations-missing-django-piece/

LINKS: Follow Micah Lyle 👇 On GitHub: https://github.com/MicahLyle On X: https://x.com/micah_lyle Website: https://elyon.tech

Follow DjangoCon US 👇 https://fosstodon.org/@djangocon https://x.com/djangocon

Follow DEFNA 👇 https://www.defna.org/

Video production by Confreaks Follow Confreaks 👇 https://confreaks.com https://x.com/confreaks


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