Upgrading EOL Django: A Journey from V1 to V5 with Michael Riley

Published December 6, 2024

Finding out that an application is using a legacy version of a framework can be a stressful and intimidating task, knowing that you're going to be responsible for bringing the application back to a supported version. This talk will cover what this type of journey would look like in the Django ecosystem by using a real world example of a small Django project that was acquired from its original developer. We will be covering multiple different scenarios and also be providing helpful tips for approaching legacy applications in general along the way.

By the end of the talk, the attendees will be able to:

This talk was presented at: https://2024.djangocon.us/talks/upgrading-eol-django-a-journey-from-v1-to-v5/

LINKS: Follow Michael Riley 👇 On X: https://x.com/ErriteRikez Website: https://michaelriley.dev

Follow DjangoCon US 👇 https://fosstodon.org/@djangocon https://x.com/djangocon

Follow DEFNA 👇 https://www.defna.org/

Video production by the presenter and DjangoCon US 2024 volunteers.


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