Djangonaut Space 2024 Videos

Thumbnail for video: "Django: Looking Forward to the Next 20 years" with Emma Delescolle

"Django: Looking Forward to the Next 20 years" with Emma Delescolle

Thumbnail for video: "Demystifying the Django ORM" with Simon Charette | Djangonaut Space

"Demystifying the Django ORM" with Simon Charette | Djangonaut Space

Thumbnail for video: Djangonaut Space Overview and Ask Me Anything (AMA)

Djangonaut Space Overview and Ask Me Anything (AMA)

Thumbnail for video: "Django for a Half a Billion People" by Mohammad "Moe" Alsakhawy | Djangonaut Space

"Django for a Half a Billion People" by Mohammad "Moe" Alsakhawy | Djangonaut Space

Thumbnail for video: "Unlock Your Full Potential with Django - My story" by Abigail Mesrenyame Dogbe | Djangonaut Space

"Unlock Your Full Potential with Django - My story" by Abigail Mesrenyame Dogbe | Djangonaut Space

Thumbnail for video: "Django core demystified" by Sarah Boyce | Djangonaut Space

"Django core demystified" by Sarah Boyce | Djangonaut Space

Thumbnail for video: Let's become confident about Django documentation - right now! by Daniele Procida | Djangonaut Space

Let's become confident about Django documentation - right now! by Daniele Procida | Djangonaut Space

Thumbnail for video: "Know Your Limits: On Surviving Open Source" by Carlton Gibson | Djangonaut Space

"Know Your Limits: On Surviving Open Source" by Carlton Gibson | Djangonaut Space

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