DjangoCon US 2015 - Lightning Talks - Part 2
Lightning Talks
Dmitry Filippov "Django assistance in PyCharm"
Paul Bailey "End the Holy Wars of Formatting"
Trey Hunner "JavaScript is Becoming Pythonic"
Eduardo Rivas " Sublime Text Django"
Jeff Sumner "Texas Swim Center"
Francisco Saldana "Keeping Fast Fast: Rapid Iteration with TransactionTestCase"
Raphael Merx "Mocking Outbound Requests with HTTPretty"
James Tauber "Building a Learning Management System with Pinax"
Miroslav Shubernetskiy "Filtering in Django"
Armin Ronacher "rb - Scaling Redis in Python"
Brendan Sterne "Code Wiki"
Russell Keith-Magee "Professional Yak Coiffure"
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