DjangoCon US 2015 - Lightning Talks - Part 2

This video features Armin Ronacher, Brendan Sterne, Dmitry Filippov, Eduardo Rivas, Francisco Saldana, James Tauber, Jeff Sumner, Miroslav Shubernetskiy, Paul Bailey, Raphael Merx, Russell Keith-Magee and Trey Hunner at DjangoCon US 2015 in Austin, TX USA.

Published November 3, 2017

Lightning Talks

Dmitry Filippov "Django assistance in PyCharm"

Paul Bailey "End the Holy Wars of Formatting"

Trey Hunner "JavaScript is Becoming Pythonic"

Eduardo Rivas " Sublime Text Django"

Jeff Sumner "Texas Swim Center"

Francisco Saldana "Keeping Fast Fast: Rapid Iteration with TransactionTestCase"

Raphael Merx "Mocking Outbound Requests with HTTPretty"

James Tauber "Building a Learning Management System with Pinax"

Miroslav Shubernetskiy "Filtering in Django"

Armin Ronacher "rb - Scaling Redis in Python"

Brendan Sterne "Code Wiki"

Russell Keith-Magee "Professional Yak Coiffure"

Note: We understand that names change, people change, and bodies change. We respect each individual's journey and privacy. If you have any concerns about a video or need us to remove content, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will handle your request with care and promptly address any issues.

More videos by Armin Ronacher , Brendan Sterne , Dmitry Filippov , Eduardo Rivas , Francisco Saldana , James Tauber , Jeff Sumner , Miroslav Shubernetskiy , Paul Bailey , Raphael Merx , Russell Keith-Magee and Trey Hunner

More videos from DjangoCon US