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code review is too late for code quality (github universe 2021)

code review is too late for code quality (github universe 2021)

here's my talk from github universe 2021! I talk about using automated tooling (pre-commit) such that you can focus on …

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Alan Una Larisa - Writing tests for a Django application doesn't have to suck

Alan Una Larisa - Writing tests for a Django application doesn't have to suck

Writing a comprehensive test suite for Django applications is never easy. If the tests depend on the database they are …

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Wes Kendall - Using simple database triggers for complex Django problems

Wes Kendall - Using simple database triggers for complex Django problems

Django has evolved over the years to have first-class support for many advanced database features. Database triggers, however, are a …

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Jeremy Stretch - Leveraging the ORM to enforce object level permissions

Jeremy Stretch - Leveraging the ORM to enforce object level permissions

Django provides a robust permissions framework out of the box, but it only works at the model level. What if …

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Zags Zagorsky - Rapid Prototyping in Django

Zags Zagorsky - Rapid Prototyping in Django

Building a prototype in a weekend is the dream of startups and established businesses alike. But if you cut corners …

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Brendan Wee - Lightweight Multi Tenant Architecture for Django Applications

Brendan Wee - Lightweight Multi Tenant Architecture for Django Applications

Multitenancy offers a cost-sensitive way to implement data segregation, data sharing, and least privileged access for multiple clients in an …

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Carson Gross - REST, HATEOAS & Django - It's OK to not use JSON... or Javascript

Carson Gross - REST, HATEOAS & Django - It's OK to not use JSON... or Javascript

REST and HATEOAS are terms that are most often associated these days with JSON APIs. This is ridiculous, and I …

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Tyrel Denison - What in the World? Determining and demonstrating meaning in geospatial data

Tyrel Denison - What in the World? Determining and demonstrating meaning in geospatial data

As piles of data continue to bury us all, geo-spatial data provides a different way to interpret, analyze, & visualize …

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Tarun Garg - Design Django models such that your future self will thank you 👋

Tarun Garg - Design Django models such that your future self will thank you 👋

We'll discuss some practices around designing Django models that'll make your model/database design debuggable plus will aid in scaling the …

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Rodrigo Girão Serrão - Pydon'ts – Write elegant Python code (v1.1)

Rodrigo Girão Serrão - Pydon'ts – Write elegant Python code (v1.1)

Python's shiny frameworks drive some people to spend too little time learning the basics, which makes it harder in the …

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Maari Tamm - Get interactive! Putting a shell or a desktop in your Django app

Maari Tamm - Get interactive! Putting a shell or a desktop in your Django app

How to make your Django app speak SSH or RDP with Guacamole, ASGI and Daphne — giving anyone a console …

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Josue Balandrano Coronel - Usando filas de tareas (task queues) en aplicaciones web

Josue Balandrano Coronel - Usando filas de tareas (task queues) en aplicaciones web

All 2021 talks have English and Spanish captions. Las filas de tareas se encuentran en un sinnúmero de aplicaciones que …

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Aldán Creo - Búsqueda de texto completo (FTS) en tu sitio web – mi proyecto de Google Summer of Code

Aldán Creo - Búsqueda de texto completo (FTS) en tu sitio web – mi proyecto de Google Summer of Code

All 2021 talks have English and Spanish captions. **La funcionalidad de búsqueda es crucial, pero al mismo tiempo es una …

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Markus Holtermann - An Introduction to Kubernetes ☸️

Markus Holtermann - An Introduction to Kubernetes ☸️

You've heard of Kubernetes ☸️. But unless you’ve worked with it or seen it in action, you probably only have …

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SPONSORED Talk - Introduction to Kolo by Wilhelm Klopp

SPONSORED Talk - Introduction to Kolo by Wilhelm Klopp

This talk was presented at: LINKS: Follow Wilhelm Klopp 👇 On Twitter: On GitHub: Website: Follow …

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Cory Zue - Modern JavaScript for Django Developers

Cory Zue - Modern JavaScript for Django Developers

Many Django developers are intimidated by "modern" JavaScript, and those that aren't tend to throw away much of Django and …

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Katie McLaughlin - What is deployment, anyway?

Katie McLaughlin - What is deployment, anyway?

So you've finished the DjangoGirls tutorial or smol demo, now you want to share it with the outside world. How …

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Dane Hillard - graphene-django

Dane Hillard - graphene-django

django-rest-framework is the tried and true approach for Djangonauts building RESTful APIs. In the era of the JAMstack and the …

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Jack Linke - Server-Side is Dead! Long Live Server-Side (+ HTMX)

Jack Linke - Server-Side is Dead! Long Live Server-Side (+ HTMX)

With no 'standard' approach to front-end other than built-in templating and so many JS front-end frameworks and tools and options, …

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Madelaine Boyd - The Pit of Success for Per Object Permissions in Django

Madelaine Boyd - The Pit of Success for Per Object Permissions in Django

Privacy matters, and I know I make mistakes, so I built a tool to make sure I don’t need to …

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Katherine Michel - Manteniendo Desmitificado

Katherine Michel - Manteniendo Desmitificado

See this talk in English here: Muchos Djangonautas de repente tienen la necesidad de mantener un proyecto. Voy a …

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Katherine Michel - Maintaining Demystified

Katherine Michel - Maintaining Demystified

Many Djangonauts suddenly find themselves maintaining a project. I’ll use my years of experience as a professional open source maintainer …

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Rachele DiTullio - The Web is Inherently Accessible

Rachele DiTullio - The Web is Inherently Accessible

The web is accessible by default; it is our design decisions that stop it being accessible. We need to develop …

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Jeremy Bowman - Herding Ponies: Coordinating and Automating Django Upgrades Across 100+ Repositories

Jeremy Bowman - Herding Ponies: Coordinating and Automating Django Upgrades Across 100+ Repositories

Learn how the Open edX project consistently keeps 14 services spanning 100+ code repositories and multiple organizations on actively supported …

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Thibauld Colas - Kontrasto - improving accessibility with Python

Thibauld Colas - Kontrasto - improving accessibility with Python

This talk introduces Kontrasto, a library for Django and Wagtail that automatically improves the contrast of text over images. We’ll …

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Drishti Jain - Illuminate Data with Visualization

Drishti Jain - Illuminate Data with Visualization

Have you ever thought of using data visualization to represent data; but feel that it is a cumbersome process? Worry …

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Anna Makarudze - DSF Overview

Anna Makarudze - DSF Overview

What does the Django Software Foundation do? How does it help the larger Django Community? This talk was presented at: …

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DjangoCon US 2021 Introduction and Orientatiation

DjangoCon US 2021 Introduction and Orientatiation

Opening remarks and orientation This talk was presented at: LINKS: Follow Drew Winstel 👇 On Twitter: On GitHub: …

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Gajendra Deshpande - Securing Django Applications

Gajendra Deshpande - Securing Django Applications

In this talk, we will focus on two aspects. First, performing penetration testing on Django web applications to identify vulnerabilities …

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Calvin Hendryx Parker - Bootstrapping your Local Python Environment

Calvin Hendryx Parker - Bootstrapping your Local Python Environment

Let’s talk about getting started with the end in mind and making sure your development computer doesn’t become the next …

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Tidjani Dia - Wagtail Live: bringing a live blogging tool to the Django ecosystem

Tidjani Dia - Wagtail Live: bringing a live blogging tool to the Django ecosystem

Learn how to build and run a live blog with Wagtail Live within 30 minutes. This talk was presented at: …

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Dan Palmer - Scaling Django to 500 apps

Dan Palmer - Scaling Django to 500 apps

Django apps are more than just a way for libraries to provide reusable functionality, they can be a powerful tool …

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Jyotika Singh - Demystifying Natural Language Processing across several industry verticals

Jyotika Singh - Demystifying Natural Language Processing across several industry verticals

With the increased availability of text data across the globe, many industries have started tapping into activating insights and intelligence …

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Itamar Turner Trauring - Zero to production ready: a best practices process for Docker packaging

Itamar Turner Trauring - Zero to production ready: a best practices process for Docker packaging

You know the basics of packaging your Python application for Docker, but do you know enough to run that image …

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Ramón Huidobro - Una serie de relatos de mentoring

Ramón Huidobro - Una serie de relatos de mentoring

All 2021 talks have English and Spanish captions. Ser mentor es una gran responsabilidad pero aporta el bienestar de una …

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Adolfo Fitoria - Se habla español

Adolfo Fitoria - Se habla español

All 2021 talks have English and Spanish captions. En esta charla hablaremos sobre cómo preparar tu proyecto para soportar múltiples …

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Dmitry Vinnik - Modern Web Testing: Going Beyond Selenium

Dmitry Vinnik - Modern Web Testing: Going Beyond Selenium

In this talk, we dive into platform-specific Selenium solutions like Protractor, and discuss non-Selenium frameworks like TestCafe and We …

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Andrew Knight - Managing the Test Data Nightmare

Andrew Knight - Managing the Test Data Nightmare

Good test data can be a nightmare to manage! It can make-or-break testing efforts. Should we preload our databases? Should …

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Çağıl Uluşahin - How we built a mobile application backend with Django in 10 weeks

Çağıl Uluşahin - How we built a mobile application backend with Django in 10 weeks

Are you familiar with web-based applications? Did you build a Django app, or APIs with Django/DRF. What about building backend …

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Thomas Güttler - HTMX: Frontend Revolution

Thomas Güttler - HTMX: Frontend Revolution

HTMX is a tiny JavaScript library that helps you to avoid JavaScript. Instead of sending JSON over the wire (like …

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