Building high-performance, type-safe GraphQL APIs with Strawberry and Django Thiago Bellini Ribeiro

Published November 23, 2023

GraphQL has gained popularity for its ability to offer more flexibility and performance over traditional REST APIs. Strawberry is a new and fast-growing GraphQL library for Python, inspired by dataclasses functionality, that offers a modern and intuitive API for building GraphQL APIs using type hints.

In this talk, we will explore the basics of building a GraphQL API with Strawberry and how it can be integrated with Django in a performant and type-safe way, by generating its types and resolvers directly from Django models. We will also compare and contrast the benefits and drawbacks of GraphQL versus REST APIs, including how GraphQL can help improve frontend development workflows.

Attendees will come away with an understanding of how Strawberry can help simplify the process of building and maintaining GraphQL APIs, and how to use its powerful features to optimize for performance, safety, and flexibility, while also covering its drawbacks and how to avoid some common issues.

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Video production by the presenter and DjangoCon US 2023 volunteers.

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