Unlocking Performance: Benchmarking and profiling Django for Maximum Efficiency with Ron Maravanyika

Published December 6, 2024

In most cases performance issues are caused by a very small fraction of the application. Identifying these bottlenecks can be a daunting task. Well, not anymore, we now have tools to easily identify these bottlenecks. In this talk we will talk about it all: the why, what and how to do profiling and benchmarking.

We will look at django-silk for profiling while for benchmarking we will be using the ever reliable pytest-benchmark. We will cover the basics and slowly move into seeing things like the actual raw query buried which is buried in Django. Lastly l will share tips on how to avoid over running your services while try to optimise. This talk is suitable for intermediate to senior developers, however junior developers can also benefit.

This talk was presented at: https://2024.djangocon.us/talks/unlocking-performance-benchmarking-and-profiling-django-for-maximum-efficiency/

LINKS: Follow Ron Maravanyika 👇 On X: https://x.com/ronn_zw Website: https://ronnzw.github.io/

Follow DjangoCon US 👇 https://fosstodon.org/@djangocon https://x.com/djangocon

Follow DEFNA 👇 https://www.defna.org/

Video production by the presenter and DjangoCon US 2024 volunteers.


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