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DjangoCon 2021 | Opening | Day 3

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DjangoCon 2021 | Opening | Day 2

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DjangoCon 2021 | Opening | Day 1

DjangoCon 2021 | Opening | Day 1

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DjangoCon 2021 | Hunting Performance in Django Code | Sümer Cip

DjangoCon 2021 | Hunting Performance in Django Code | Sümer Cip

Introduction and Outline Quick introduction of myself followed by an outline of what will be covered and what you will …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Lightning Talks | Closing Day 3

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DjangoCon 2021 | KEYNOTE  Spreading our tentacles taking a Django app global | Frederike Jaeger

DjangoCon 2021 | KEYNOTE Spreading our tentacles taking a Django app global | Frederike Jaeger

Imagine you built a pretty snazzy Django app to transform your company's business. You're helping with revolutionizing the energy industry …

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DjancoCon 2021 WorkShop |  Migrations and understanding Django's relationship with its database

DjancoCon 2021 WorkShop | Migrations and understanding Django's relationship with its database

DjancoCon 2021 WorkShop | Migrations and understanding Django's relationship with its database David Wobrock Migrations are a very convenient aspect …

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DjangoCon 2021 | From Development to Production, Getting Insights to Optimize Django Performance

DjangoCon 2021 | From Development to Production, Getting Insights to Optimize Django Performance

From Development to Production, Getting Actionable Insights to Optimize Django Code Performance Jérôme Vieilledent We’ll see how developers can see …

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DjangoCon 2021 WorkShop | Cleanroom Software Engineering with Django | Francisco López-Lira Hinojo

DjangoCon 2021 WorkShop | Cleanroom Software Engineering with Django | Francisco López-Lira Hinojo

The Software Engineering Institute defines the Cleanroom software engineering as "a theory-based team-oriented process for development and certification of high-reliability …

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DjancoCon 2021 WorkShop | Profiling Django & Python apps | Sümer Cip & Jérôme Vieilledent

DjancoCon 2021 WorkShop | Profiling Django & Python apps | Sümer Cip & Jérôme Vieilledent

It is difficult to improve what is not measurable! Profiling an application should always be the first step in trying …

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DjancoCon 2021 WorkShop | Managing multiple Django services in a single repo | Benjy Weinberger

DjancoCon 2021 WorkShop | Managing multiple Django services in a single repo | Benjy Weinberger

Modern software systems often involve developing and deploying multiple related services. The microservice architecture is a prominent example of this. …

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DjangoCon 2021 WorkShop | Suggestions for common challenges in your projects | Johannes Spielmann

DjangoCon 2021 WorkShop | Suggestions for common challenges in your projects | Johannes Spielmann

In this workshop, we are going to look at four challenges that appear in every Django project at some point. …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Deploy Django Event Platform Using Containers and Terraform | Calvin Hendryx-Parker

DjangoCon 2021 | Deploy Django Event Platform Using Containers and Terraform | Calvin Hendryx-Parker

Learn to leverage cloud native tools and launch a scalable Python and Django application into the Cloud with Fargate. We’ll …

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DjancoCon 2021 WorkShop |  Getting started with React, GraphQL, and Django | Aaron Bassett

DjancoCon 2021 WorkShop | Getting started with React, GraphQL, and Django | Aaron Bassett

When I first heard of GraphQL, I had a lot of questions. How is GraphQL different from REST? What're the …

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DjangoCon 2021 WorkShop | Teaching cPython, Turtle Graphics, and Jinja2 | Christopher Lozinski

DjangoCon 2021 WorkShop | Teaching cPython, Turtle Graphics, and Jinja2 | Christopher Lozinski

There are many excellent free resources for learning Python (, but the Forest Wiki ( is the only free resource …

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DjancoCon 2021 WorkShop | Django Sketchnoting Challenge | Sara Peeters

DjancoCon 2021 WorkShop | Django Sketchnoting Challenge | Sara Peeters

In this workshop we will learn some easy drawing skills we can use for illustrating tech concepts (or anything else). …

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DjangoCon 2021 | The request response cycle a Djangonautic journey | Timothy McCurrach

DjangoCon 2021 | The request response cycle a Djangonautic journey | Timothy McCurrach

How exactly do web-servers communicate with Django? and what happens immediately after that? If you've ever wondered where the request

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DjangoCon 2021 | Speed up your tests with setUpTestData | Adam Johnson

DjangoCon 2021 | Speed up your tests with setUpTestData | Adam Johnson

TestCase.setUpTestData allows you to create test data once per TestCase, rather than once per test. Switching tests to use setUpTestData …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Serving Files with Django | Jochen Wersdörfer

DjangoCon 2021 | Serving Files with Django | Jochen Wersdörfer

The fairly new support for real async views (since Django 3.1) opened up a lot of new possibilities. I was …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Securing Django Applications | Gajendra Deshpande

DjangoCon 2021 | Securing Django Applications | Gajendra Deshpande

Django is the most popular Python-based web framework used for creating web applications. The web applications are vulnerable for various …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Rewriting Django from almost scratch in 2021 | Emma Delescolle

DjangoCon 2021 | Rewriting Django from almost scratch in 2021 | Emma Delescolle

One of the decisions that was made 15 years ago was to use home-made code for everything. Django depends on …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Load Testing a Django Application using LocustIO | Pranjal Jain & Vibhash Chandra

DjangoCon 2021 | Load Testing a Django Application using LocustIO | Pranjal Jain & Vibhash Chandra

Fed up of using existing tools for determining benchmark and doing load testing for your server application? LocustIO is present …

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DjangoCon 2021 | KEYNOTE: We're all part of this Jazzband 5 years later | Jannis Leidel (he/him)

DjangoCon 2021 | KEYNOTE: We're all part of this Jazzband 5 years later | Jannis Leidel (he/him)

The Jazzband project was launched 5 years ago to help maintainers find a way to secure the long-term maintenance of …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Putting a shell or a desktop in your Django app | Maari Tamm & Florian Haas

DjangoCon 2021 | Putting a shell or a desktop in your Django app | Maari Tamm & Florian Haas

In our City Cloud Academy ( learning platform, we enable learners to interact with real-world hands-on lab environments, so that …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Build, deploy and scale Django, GraphQL and SPA | dhilipsiva

DjangoCon 2021 | Build, deploy and scale Django, GraphQL and SPA | dhilipsiva

After building, deploying and scaling a dozen on products with the Django + GraphQL + SPA (React) setup, we have …

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DjangoCon 2021 | All about The Django Software Foundation DSF | Anna Makarudze

DjangoCon 2021 | All about The Django Software Foundation DSF | Anna Makarudze

The Django Software Foundation (DSF) is the independent foundation established as a 501(c)(3) non-profit that supports the development of Django. …

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DjangoCon 2021 | You might not need a frontend framework | Afonso Cerejeira

DjangoCon 2021 | You might not need a frontend framework | Afonso Cerejeira

Javascript fadigue is real. As frontend development gets more and more complex, developers are required to learn a wide plethora …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Modern JavaScript for Django Developers | Cory Zue

DjangoCon 2021 | Modern JavaScript for Django Developers | Cory Zue

The talk will include four high level parts. Part 1 is a discussion of common Django / JavaScript architectures. These …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Lightning Talks | Closing Day 2

DjangoCon 2021 | Lightning Talks | Closing Day 2

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DjangoCon 2021 | HTMX Frontend Revolution | Thomas Güttler

DjangoCon 2021 | HTMX Frontend Revolution | Thomas Güttler

I developed my first CGI script in 1998. Since that day I have seen a lot of hypes coming and …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Create a full stack, reactive website in Django without JavaScript | Adam Hill

DjangoCon 2021 | Create a full stack, reactive website in Django without JavaScript | Adam Hill

Django is a great web framework for "perfectionists with deadlines" and provides a lot of built-in functionality when building server-side …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Hacking Django Channels for Fun and Profit | Calvin Hendryx-Parker

DjangoCon 2021 | Hacking Django Channels for Fun and Profit | Calvin Hendryx-Parker

  • Intro and Backstory on Django Channels history — 3% - Synchronous vs Async Request Loops - WSGI vs ASGI …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Dynamic static sites with Django and Sphinx | Carlton Gibson

DjangoCon 2021 | Dynamic static sites with Django and Sphinx | Carlton Gibson

On a content site these days, especially on a personal project, or where the team are technical, you often don't …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Django with PostgreSQL Superpowers | Paolo Melchiorre

DjangoCon 2021 | Django with PostgreSQL Superpowers | Paolo Melchiorre

Every time we’re going to create a new project with Django we make assessments on its requirements to choose the …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Clean Architecture with Django Rethinking basic assumptions | Paul Wolf

DjangoCon 2021 | Clean Architecture with Django Rethinking basic assumptions | Paul Wolf

Clean Architectures and related architecture patterns like Hexagonal and Onion architecture are intended to provide more maintainable code and lower …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Anvil Full Stack Web with Nothing but Python | Meredydd Luff

DjangoCon 2021 | Anvil Full Stack Web with Nothing but Python | Meredydd Luff

Building a modern web app requires so much: HTML, CSS, JS, Python, SQL, React, Bootstrap, Webpack...and Django, of course ;). …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Your very own real time chat with Django Channels |

DjangoCon 2021 | Your very own real time chat with Django Channels |

Does building your real time chat with Django sound fun to you? Let’s get some help from Django Channels in …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Unlocking the full potential of PostgreSQL indexes in Django | Haki Benita

DjangoCon 2021 | Unlocking the full potential of PostgreSQL indexes in Django | Haki Benita

In the talk we are going to optimize a real life Django application using advanced and exotic indexing techinics in …

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DjangoCon2021 | Telepath-adding the missing link between Django and rich client apps | Matt Westcott

DjangoCon2021 | Telepath-adding the missing link between Django and rich client apps | Matt Westcott

In today's web applications, the traditional client/server division is falling out of favour - there's an increasing need for the …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Programming for pleasure | Daniele Procida

DjangoCon 2021 | Programming for pleasure | Daniele Procida

Why is so much software so bad? And why is so much of it made by really excellent programmers? It's …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Lightning Talks | Closing Day 1

DjangoCon 2021 | Lightning Talks | Closing Day 1

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DjangoCon 2021 | KEYNOTE How to be a djangonaut in a climate emergency | Chris Adams

DjangoCon 2021 | KEYNOTE How to be a djangonaut in a climate emergency | Chris Adams

The science on climate spells out the need for rapid, far-reaching, and unprecedented changes to how we work and live. …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Full stack Django Rest Framework | Thiago Silva & Israel da Silva Teixeira

DjangoCon 2021 | Full stack Django Rest Framework | Thiago Silva & Israel da Silva Teixeira

In this talk, we want to share our experience going beyond JSON APIs and using more Serializers and Renderers' features …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Domain Driven Design with Django and GraphQL | Patrick Arminio

DjangoCon 2021 | Domain Driven Design with Django and GraphQL | Patrick Arminio

Domain driven design is starting getting traction in the Python world, probably also thanks to Architecture Patterns with Python ( …

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DjangoCon 2021 | Writing Safe Database Migrations | Markus Holtermann

DjangoCon 2021 | Writing Safe Database Migrations | Markus Holtermann

Django’s built-in migration framework is great. And it works tremendously. But that’s only on the surface. Whenever you deploy your …

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DjangoCon 2021 | A SQL for Django | Stefan Baerisch

DjangoCon 2021 | A SQL for Django | Stefan Baerisch

This talk will show you how to combine SQL and ORM in Django applications. Both ORM methods and SQL have …

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